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Rolling tutor

  • June 08, 2018 5:04 PM
    Message # 6299843
    Deleted user

    Hello my name is Brian.  I'm a bit of a silent member.   Due to my current schedule I cannot make it to most outings and not at all to the pool sessions.  I would like to learn how to roll.  Would anyone out there be willing to tutor me?  I would gladly pay them for their time.  Hopefully soon my work will allow me to attend pool sessions and more outings.  Thanks B.

  • June 13, 2018 10:02 AM
    Reply # 6308394 on 6299843
    Anthony (Administrator)

    I'm pretty much self-taught due to my location (not many kayakers around where we live). I've found the Qajaq Rolls / Rolling with Sticks website fantastic! Lots of great videos of practically every Greenland roll and it's all free although I did buy the dvd and workbook. I also purchased This is the Roll dvd which is also great.

    Christopher is a great guy, mentor, roller and is always willing to answer any questions. 

    Good luck!


Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

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