Trip Leader: Bob Heckler, Text: 1-2one9-878-Six94one
Class II/III Whitewater trip.
Ozark paddling: Indy to Fredericktown, MO only 5hrs!
Arrive Friday night or early Saturday morning. Stay in an inexpensive hotel in nearby Farmington or Camp at Silver Mines Campground near the takeout in the Mark Twain National Forest. Bob says the St. Francis is not dam controlled so can become unrunnable with drought and/or flood. Bob knows the drainage well and is good at predicting whether the trip will be good to go. So be aware of that fact once you register, keep your eyes and ears out, and Bob will advise.
Sponsor, Bob "Big Drop" Heckler, has sponsored this trip many times and regularly runs this river w/o a club trip. He knows the river very well. Although Bob regularly paddles class 4 whitewater, the fact that he comes back year after year to paddle the St. Francis on his own, should tell you something about its beauty, fun-factor, and value as a whitewater destination!
The annual Missouri Whitewater Races are running that same weekend! See below:
58th Annual Missouri Whitewater Championships (MWC) - Missouri Whitewater Association
St. Francis Gauge MWA
Level about 45 inches on the bridge gauge April, 2021
Background image provided by Karl Zemlin
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