Ohio River - from Tanner's Creek: Saturday, October 22, 2022
Time: 10:00AM
SPONSOR: Robert Moore
Trip Level 2/3 (See Below)
One of my favorite paddles this time of year is downstream past Aurora, around Laughery Island with a brief excursion up into Laughery Creek to see the Old State Road 56 truss bridge on the return trip. This is a scenic stretch of the river when fall foliage is in full color.
On other years we paddled up stream to the "ghost ship" in Taylor Creek and continued up stream into the Great Miami River. The "Ghost Ship", as described in several articles on the web, was launched as the Celt by a railroad executive in 1902. It was used as a wartime patrol and training vessel, fishing boat, private yacht, tour boat and backdrop for a music video. The names include Sachem, USS Sachem, Phenakite, and later Circle Line V as a New York city tour boat until 1983. It was purchased by a Cincinnati resident in 1986, repaired and used briefly before being abandoned.
This year the proposed route will depend upon the preference of the group. We will come up with something interesting and hopefully catch the fall foliage near its peak. The trip is covered on Ohio River Charts 109-110 US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District.
This is a sea kayak trip for paddlers capable of dealing with open water, occasional barge traffic and light current. Total paddling distance is expected to be about 12 miles. Half of the distance will be against some current. We will stop for lunch along the way so bring something to eat.
Put-In: Tanner's Creek boat ramp - Follow US 50/Ead's Pkwy from Lawrenceburg, Indiana, turn south onto Tanner's Creek Drive (old Reese Drive) at the traffic light. Tanner's Creek Drive ends at the boat ramp parking area. This is a well-developed ramp park with plenty of parking and picnic areas. Unfortunately, the only restroom facility is portable toilet (not always present) so you may want to stop off at the fast food or filling station at the intersection on the way to the boat ramp.
Meeting time: 10:00 am - launch by 10:30
Contact information: Robert Moore njordball@gmail.com Please register for the trip no later than October 19th.