Trip Report by Daniel Cavins
Beaver Island Sept 2019
In September, I finally got to go to Beaver Island, MI. A beautiful place with an interesting history. We had a great crew of seven people, able paddlers and nice people to be on an island with. We started with a two hour, very pleasant, ferry ride from Charlevoix. Then set up home at St. James campground.

There are several islands around Beaver and Monday we explored Garden Is. Tuesday one of the inland lakes and scouted out some launching points. Not knowing the island we had to figure some things out. The locals were helpful and it was fun.
Wednesday was a big paddle, we went to Squaw Island with a stop at Whiskey. Squaw has an old lighthouse complex that was fascinating to explore. You had to imagine what life was like out there years ago. The wind and seas were more than we expected that day so we took a straight crossing back to Beaver Is. to keep our bows into it. It was a six mile slog, a bit slow, and I quite enjoyed it. Fifteen miles over all.

Thursday was declared a free day. No one paddled. Everyone just explored the island how they liked, bike walk, doze in chair. Good day.
Friday it was back to work. High Island. We knew it was there but couldn’t see it, shrouded in fog. A compass course of 270 should get us there. It was three miles out and one mile from the island when it finally came into view. The sun came out showcasing the clear water and green island. Eagles to greet us.
After circling the island we b-lined home for a twenty mile day. Early Saturday morning we stuffed our damp tents into our trucks and caught the ferry home.
There’s a whole lot more to it but I’ll just say I’d go back in a minute.
More pics at if you care to look.

Map prepared by Dave Ellis
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