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Skipper's Note October 2019

September 23, 2019 8:00 AM | Duane Garloch (Administrator)

As Fall get going in October, we still have several padding trips scheduled.  The sea kayak group is having a paddle on the Ohio River on the 5th and traveling to Land Between the Lakes on the 18th.  The canoe kayak group has trips scheduled to Grayson Lake and also Raccoon Creek during the Covered Bridge Festival. The whitewater group is heading to the Ocoee last release.  Looking ahead, our Annual Meeting is on November 16th.  Checkout the newsletter and the events calendar online for more information.

As always, Please send your trip announcements and trip reports, or something else you’d like to share in the newsletter, to Dwayne James ( by the 17th of the month. 

See you on the water!  Duane

Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

Background image provided by Karl Zemlin

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