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Skippers Note February Newsletter

January 22, 2018 7:09 PM | Dwayne S James (Administrator)

So the water was a bit hard for our New Years Day paddle, but our trip planners are putting together another fun filled calendar for all of our paddling groups as well as a few all club events.  Coming up: Wilderness First Aid training on 2/17, Indy Boat Sport and Travel Show 2/16 thru 2/25, and our annual Ice Falls trip March 3.  We are updating the trip leader guides and will be holding some meetings to help new trip leaders get started.  So check your gear, work on your skills at the pool sessions, and watch the newsletter, our new Facebook Page, and your email for our events.  Please remember to send in your trip announcements and your trip reports for the newsletter.  If you have something to share in the newsletter, send it to  by the 17th of the month.  See you on the water!

Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

Background image provided by Karl Zemlin

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