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From the New Skipper 11/22/2017

November 22, 2017 5:12 PM | Dwayne S James (Administrator)

As another year comes to a close, I’d like to thank Natalie Needham for her great leadership during her two years as our skipper.  I am honored to be your skipper for the next year.  I would also like to thank the board, trip sponsors, and instructors for the work they have put in over the last year supporting all of the great opportunities this club provides.

We just had another wonderful annual meeting with 60 people in attendance.  Thanks to everyone who helped to put on this meeting.  We had a great presentation on a past trip “Uganda: In Search of White Water”.  The slate for the new board was approved.  Changes to the Constitution and By-Laws were approved to allow for voting using an Absentee Ballot.  Awards were also presented.

Winter is approaching, but we still have plenty of club activities coming up.  Keep an eye out for information about the New Year’s Day paddle, First Aid training, and the trips planning meeting.  We also have pool sessions at Thatcher Park on Saturday mornings from 10:00 to 12:00 throughout the winter where you can work on your roll, rescue skills, and paddling technique.

Hope to see everyone one on the water sometime next year!


Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

Background image provided by Karl Zemlin

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