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From the Skipper - September 5, 2017

September 05, 2017 2:25 PM | Deleted user

We’re coming to the unofficial end of summer, but not the paddling season! 

We still have great trips planned and the annual meeting is coming up in November. We’ll have a new venue this year for the meeting, and there will be lots to discuss and a decent presentation.  

One of the most important items will be the voting in of new board members and officers. If you are interested in being on the board or an officer, please let a current board member or officer know. Also, many may not know this, but all the board meetings are open to the general membership. The current focus of the board is to increase safety awareness to the paddling community, along with discussions on how to move the club forward. The board meetings are very informal and easy going, don’t be afraid to participate! The monthly meetings are listed on the website calendar.

A club is only as good as its membership, and I know we have plenty of fine members. So, if you want your voice or opinion heard on how the club should move, or you’re just curious what goes on; feel free to come to a board meeting at the very least. If you’re really interested in steering the club, join the board or volunteer to be an officer.

Stay safe and see you on the river!


Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

Background image provided by Karl Zemlin

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