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From the Skipper, July 20, 2017

July 21, 2017 9:17 AM | Deleted user

I’m literally copying and pasting the Skippers Note from our last newsletter below,  as the situation on our water ways has only worsened.  

In addition to our  classes, remember that our entire club is a resource. Even if you’re not a member, feel free to reach out to any board member or fleet captain with questions.  Our board members have literally hundreds of years of combined paddling experience (I think Dave Ellis has at least 150 alone J ) and the depth of the entire club goes much deeper. I know that I can speak for all board members that we’d rather each have to answer 100 email questions than see another tragedy.

So far this year has brought high water, which has been great for the white water folks; but not so much for the flat water trips. Along with a lot of rain, this year has unfortunately seen several tragedies on the water. Flood conditions, strainers, and low head dams have all taken a toll on the paddling community this year. I would like to remind everyone to dress for the swim, know the river you’re paddling, know the boat you’re paddling, have the right safety gear with you and on you, paddle with a group (preferably a group that knows how to get you out of trouble if or when needed), and take classes that make you a better paddler and even an asset to have along on a trip. 

Wilderness first aid, swift water rescue, and knowing how to self-rescue are all valuable skills to master.  Throughout the year, we offer our members either free or discounted classes on all of these skill sets, along with access to a heated pool year-round for practice. Please make sure you take advantage of these resources, you never know if you will ever need it for yourself, for others in your group, or even a complete stranger. Paddle on and paddle safe.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the water at some point*-!


Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

Background image provided by Karl Zemlin

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