Happy New Year!
If all has gone well, by the time this has been posted and published there is a group of four of us representing the Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club on the rapids of the White Nile in Uganda and there was a local paddle here in Indy on New Year’s Day. That’s a pretty good range in trips, don’t you think?
This is your club and we need you to help keep our calendar booked with exciting trips year-round. Be sure to check out the details of the trip planning meeting in our January newsletter and help keep 2017 packed with adventure, paddling, camping, memories, and comradery. January will also usher in a new Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club website; promising to be more user friendly and modern compared to the existing one. There will be a transitioning period between both sites, please see Jon’s blurb in the newsletter. Hope to see you all on the water at some point in 2017! And stay tuned for some pretty awesome trip reports from Uganda.
Be sure to be thinking about where you want to go in 2017 since our trip planning meeting is coming up on January 21. Click here for details.
See you on the water,